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Living with Nature - School on Blog by Dr. Abercio V. Rotor: St Paul ...

St Paul Museum - Pilgrimage Site (1995 - 2010)
Dr Abe V Rotor
Former Faculty Curator

Living with Nature - School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid?with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evning class Monday to Friday?

Lesson: ?Yes, you can build a Family Museum, Community Museum, Farmers' Museum. Start with available resources and small budget. ?Don't spend in infrastructure, technology and consultancy. The more personal efforts and skill you put, the more authentic your museum is, the richer its collection, more innovative - and it becomes a pride and personal triumph on your part, your family, and participating ?organization. ?

Another?manifestation?of your success is viewers identifying themselves with the things they see in your museum - culture, livelihood, art, etc. They feel it were their museum. This is the key parameter of the former St Paul Museum. ?Students, parents, guests, conference participants felt "at home." They held high trust and confidence in what the museum offered them to see, enjoy and learn. ?There was a variety of events, a diversity of collections. Thousands - countless in fact, came with many coming back. Testimonies of pilgrims getting their wishes come true are not uncommon; so with reported cases of healing. On rare occasions there were friends and guests who paid their final visit before they died. I saw how peaceful they sat alone contemplating in some corner. On rising they would grip my hand and whisper a tearful goodbye. ?This was too much but I learned what it means to be a curator. How I wish I can have the same opportunity to say goodbye to the museum I lived with for the best 15 years of my life. ?I just don't know whose hand I shall grip - except the invisible hand of St Paul, the same hand that guided me in all those 15 years I was with him, his disciple and son. ? ? ? ? ? ?

Face of Christ in the Woods?(AVR)

World War II Memorial at St. Paul University QC stands in front of the museum

Spirits to me are guiding signals that sometimes take the form of humans. They carry messages that lead us to the theme of our art such as in these particular cases. The denominator is goodness ? they help us seek goodness, and goodness leads us to truth ? truth that is built by strong faith other than reason.

Can we decipher messages the same way we receive communications in daily life? I say no, not always. For the message with deep meaning are not readily evident. One has to labor in order to understand it, and capture the essence of that message.

At a corner inside the former St Paul University Museum in Quezon City, where once stood an altar many years ago when the Japanese invaders converted the campus into a concentration camp, a small group of visitors bowed in deep thoughts and prayers. For a moment these pilgrims transformed the museum into a holy place.

It was like turning back the hands of time into the Second World War. Now there is peace. There was hatred, but that too, has given way to forgiveness. Despair, and now hope, pride into humility. These contrasting scenarios provide very valuable lessons of man. For man is tempered by war and mellowed by the peace that follows it. All these took place for half a century or so.

The SPUQ museum stands as a witness of the history that shaped the school. The events are the lifeblood of the museum - its walls originally the immaculate walls once stained with blood speak of peace, its pillars the original pillars that withstood the atrocities of war and the tests of the elements and time attest to endurance and posterity.

The museum is not only a repository of history; it is the abode of history. It is like Fort Santiago or the Paco Cemetery. Or the great Pyramids of Egypt, the City of the Dead of the Aztecs, Jerusalem and Rome. These museums have one thing in common: they are part of history. They are living relics that chronicle past events,? stirring nationalism while promoting brotherhood in men. They strengthen universal values and rekindle the spirit. They bring the relationship of man with his Creator closer and harmonious.

Since its opening in late 1994, many pilgrims, old and young, parents and students, city and rural folk, have brought significance to the museum. Other than being an educational institution, it has somehow earned respect for pilgrimage.

School in Ruins (8 ft x 8 ft, AVR)

The building is a early American architecture bearing the basic designs of Greco-Roman style ? high ceiling, prominent, bare and square pillars, solid walls with small grilled windows. The entrance is unassuming, yet there is an aura of dignity that engulfs one on opening the door. For a panoramic view meets the eye, with virtually all four corners optically converging. The scene is accentuated by the massive murals depicting some chapters of the life of St. Paul, and widened by the transparency of the glass cabinets allowing the eye to roam freely.

All these no doubt contribute to the pilgrimage atmosphere. But what is revealing is the gathered information of the place coming from no less than the sisters, many of them in their seniors and living at the nearby Vigil House then. Some of the informants have already died, but the memory of the place lives. .

The senior sisters recall the place as a prayer house. ?There was an altar which was slightly located towards the left corner of the room adjacent to the backdoor.? And they would point out the place in the museum. The backdoor leads to the basement, which was used as clinic during the Japanese occupation. The wounded and the sick were led to the prayer house and to spend time meditating, praying, or just to let time pass by. On several occasions the dead were brought for the wake.

Imagine that for a period of four years, SPUQ then a novitiate and a school for elementary and high school, was made into a garrison and concentration camp, the same way the Japanese did to UST during the same period. And also to De La Salle University in Pasay. We do not know how many died but many Filipino, American and Japanese soldiers died. There were residents, foreigners, women and children who also died.

My students would ask me whenever I tell them the story if there are ghosts on the campus ? or spirits of the dead. ?Have you seen or felt their presence?? I would counter. And the conversation lengthens, creating a world of the supernatural in the process.

Anyone would believe in spirits that may make their presence felt in one way too many, depending on who is telling the story and who are listening. I for one sensed their presence on a number of occasions. The question with believing in the supernatural though is that the mind cannot decipher reality from imagination. But it is this aspect from which we build our stories and beliefs. Take this experience as an example.

In 1994 I was painting Saul on Damascus Road into the night alone. The museum was dead silent. What a conducive time to paint! Then suddenly the arm of Saul ?moved? an inch or two downward. My brush missed the outline. I made the necessary correction but this time the arm had moved upward and now I have two errors to correct. I told myself I was too tired, and left the museum for home. That night I dreamed of Saul? holding a?red robe, which he was to use to clothe the dying Christ. Early that morning I went to the museum and continued painting the arm. I fixed Saul?s right hand and put on the red robe on it. Where did the idea of the red robe come? Was it a dream or a message I got? What made his arm move? Or was it a way of getting a message across?

Saul on Damascus Road (8ft x 8ft, AVR)

I remember at one time in the early part of the painting I received visitors while I was painting the sky on makeshift scaffolding. Causally they would come and take a look at my work. Sometimes they would ask me a question or two and I would obligingly give an answer without breaking my concentration. One evening a kind sister visited the museum. She stood for sometime looking at what I was doing on the scaffolding. Anyone at the top could not see well the person below. And not know when she came and had gone. What I remember was her large hat, but that crossed my mind only days later. Who was she? Where did she come from at 9 in the evening?

At one time I was painting Paradise After Rome. This time I did it at home at our front yard. It took me till dusk. A silhouette figure kept passing at the corner of my eye. I would have dismissed it but it came twice, thrice, not saying a word and not pausing. But there is semblance of the figure I was painting with the silhouette ? a bearded man and heavily built, clothed in flowing robes. The big difference though is that the man I was painting was about to be beheaded while the silhouette was roaming free, with an air of dignity and command.

The following day I changed the man on my painting. Yes, death, I realized is resurrection. So I painted Paul, the resurrected, on the day of his execution when Rome was?being?razed by Nero?s torch.

Spirits to me are guiding signals that sometimes take the form of humans. They carry messages that lead us to the theme of our art such as in these particular cases. The denominator is goodness ? they help us seek goodness, and goodness leads us to truth ? truth that is built by strong faith other than reason.

Can we decipher messages the same way we receive communications in daily life? I say no, not always. For? the message with deep meaning are not readily evident. One has to labor in order to understand it, and capture the essence of that message.

For example on the painting, The School in Ruins, which I entitled in an accompanying verse, Grow and Bloom, Grow and Bloom, an outline of a young devil cast a shadow on the burnt building. This was discovered while I was working on the dying smoke emanating from the fresh ruins. Someone almost shouted at me, Stop, stop! and then he explained. He was seeing a devil in outstretched hand hovering over the ruins. I preserved the outline. Anyone who comes to the museum today experiences the same thing the discoverer made twelve years ago. Yes, the war, the killing, the burning, the looting are works of the devil. His imprint makes us aware not to submit ourselves to evil, but rather fight it at all cost.

The community takes pride in having a museum accredited by the National Commission for the Culture and the Arts (NCCA), and the museum curator sits in one of the Commission?s sub-committees. The SPUQ Museum is also a member of the Association of Museums in the Philippines. Because of these, the school has the opportunity to take part in various national programs in health, environment, historical events, food and nutrition, and community development, to name the major events. In return, the museum is recognized for its effort. It is one of the very few school museums given such distinction.

Our own students, faculty and the whole community recognize that here in a not far, far land is a little Smithsonian, a little Gethsemane, a little Lourdes, and a little Sistine. And the same Goodness we find there is? also found here ? here at the SPUQ Museum.
x x x

Author?s Note: Prominent pilgrims to the SPCQ Museum include high government officials, leaders in the business, university professors, journalists, personalities in the entertainment world, Filipino balikbayan and their families. The Mother Superior of SPC visited the museum on her visit to the Philippines. Officials from the United Nations, ASEAN and EU on their mission to the Philippines included in their itenerary a visit to the museum. The identities of many of them are kept to give due respect to their person and privacy. The museum celebrated its 15th year in 2010 - its last year as conceived and made fifteen years ago (1995 to 2010).

These murals shown in this article, together with three others, have been removed from their original home for 15 years soon after I left the school as professor and curator due to old age. These murals were transferred to an open area in 2011, and are now exposed to uncontrolled environmental conditions. They can be viewed near the school canteen.?The school's modernization program included a total renovation of the original museum.?

The modernization program in the last ten years displaced the priceless botanical garden, a natural gene bank of more than 200 species of plants which were studied and?documented?by one of the country's leading biologists, Dr Anselmo S Cabigan. ?The garden had two large greenhouses modern even with today's standard. In the late nineties the garden evolved into an Ecological Sanctuary. ?Semblance of wildlife took shape with?resident?and?transient?organisms forming food chains that linked up into food webs and natural cycles ?which are indicators of a functioning ecosystem.
A series of articles in the Paulinews became a valuable reference of the then College.
In the years that followed with a boom in infrastructures, especially the school's modern buildings blocking the sun, eating out every inch of open space, the EcoSanctuary became a minuscule park of benches and?potted?plants and kiosk. ?
Which leads us to inquire that is really the intent of modernization. ? ?

A?pilgrim took notice of Saul talking with Christ on Damascus road. Did Christ really appear to him? But look again at the painting. That is why those who come to the museum stay longer than to visit. They pray. They wish.

Students facing the trials of defending their thesis come to the museum. They come from UST, Pamantasan ng Maynila. Students seeking entry in medicine proper, reviewers in bar and board exams ? they come and wish. There are those who come back, others have not. Well, the story of the ten lepers ? not all came back to thank. But more are come. Many for the nth time. Our own students, faculty and staff ? they are the first pilgrims. They are pilgrim to recognize that here in a not far, far land is a little Gethsemane, a little Lourdes, or a little Sistine.? And the same God we find there is also found here ? here at the SPCQ Museum.

Prominent pilgrims to the SPCQ Museum include a former senator, a former cabinet member, a former commissioner, university professors, journalists, personalities in the business and entertainment world, Filipino balikbayan and their families. Their identities are kept to give due respect to their person and privacy.

History of the SPCQ Museum

(and Participation in Major Events)

1994 - Presentation and approval of the museum plan

1995 - Opening of the museum
- Celebration of World Youth Day and visitation of the
Holy Father to the Philippines

1995-96 - Golden Jubilee of SPCQ
- Tri-centennial celebration of St. Paul of Chartres

1997 - PAASCU accreditation (college)

1998 - Bicentennial celebration of Philippine Independence
1999 - Launching of Center for Community Development?(CCD) Program
2000 - Earthday ? Ecology Week
2001 - Exhibit on tie-up between SPCQ and Red River College (Canada)
2001 - PAASCU accreditation (college, 1evel 3)
2002 - PAASCU accreditation (High School)
2004 - Exhibit on Biodiversity (w/ Haribon Society)
2005 - Summer Art Workshop Exhibits; Drama Skits (Humanities students)
2006 - Photo exhibits on environment; Linggo ng Wika, Health Week?
2007 - Environment in Photographs (MASS COM Students)
2008 - Ist National Conference on Environmental Advocacy Exhibit
PAASCU Accreditation
2009 Fifteen Years in Retrospect

Note: The Museum also participates in national celebrations such as Education Week, Science Week, Linggo ng Wika, Dental Health Week, Nutrition Week, Environment Week and the like through exhibits, poster making and symposia.

Special features of the SPCQ Museum

1. Seven Sisters ? first Paulinian mission to the Philippines in sculpture by Julie Lluch
2. Mural paintings by AV Rotor
? St. Paul on Damascus Road (8ft x 8ft)
? Shipwreck at the Mediterranean (4ft x 9 ft)
? The Burning of Rome and St. Paul?s Martyrdom
? Lilies of the Pond (SPCQ in Ruins, 1945) (8ft x 8 ft)
? Ruins of Colonialism (8ft x 8ft)
? Light in the Woods (30? x 46?)
3. Miniature Dioramas of Biomes and Major Ecosystems
4. Madonna and Child Collection
5. Story of St. Paul of Chartres Series
6. Photographic Study of the Pieta by Michelangelo
7. Illustrated Life of St. Paul
8. Historical Photographs of SPCQ in pre-war and post-war years
9. Philippine culture
10. Endangered animal specimens
11. Philippine Music Collection by Filipino composers
12. Memorabilia from the Paulinian community


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25 Must Know SEO Terms to Get You Started | SEO Articles

Knowing that S-E-O stands for ?Search Engine Optimization? may seem like just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to SEO vocabulary, terms and definitions.

Here are 25 of the most popularly used terms when it comes to learning SEO, speaking with your SEO Company and optimizing your website.

Algorithm or Search Algorithm ? a set of instructions for determining which web pages should be listed for a Search Result and in what order. Google uses over 200 factors to determine what results to deliver to an individual searcher.

Alt Tag ? text assigned to graphical elements to help the Search Engines see and understand the graphic.

Anchor Text ? the clickable (hyperlinked) portion of a backlink on a webpage. The words used in the hyperlink help Search Engines associate the content on the linked-to page and contribute to PageRank.

Blog ?(short for web log) ? the part of a website that is regularly maintained with new content and encourages interaction with visitors through comment fields. Search Engines favor fresh new content which is easily achieved through a blog.

Canonical URL ? the standard form of a URL used for accessing a webpage ( Canonicalization translates all other versions (such as into this standard form.

Duplicate Content ? content that is used on more than one webpage; only one webpage is given credit for content that is duplicated.

Google Analytics ? official Google software that helps measures website traffic by including specific HTML coding in the source code.

Hosting Company???a service provider that makes an individual website visible on the World Wide Web. The reputation of an individual website (and its Search Rankings) can be influenced by the reputation of the hosting company.

HTML ? Hyper Text Markup Language ? the basic building blocks of a website that is read and interpreted by a web browser and delivered in its visual form to the web user; HTML is what search robots read.

Indexing or Indexed pages ? the process of a Search Engine?s robots visiting a website and recording or indexing its content so that it can easily recall the content.

IP Address ? Internet Protocol address ? a number given to a device to identify the host and to provide a location address.

Keywords or Keyword Phrases?? the words and phrases used by searchers to find a particular answer, product or service.

Link Popularity ? the number of inbound links directed towards a website.

Links or Backlinks or Inbound Links ? a hyperlink listed on a site that points the visitor towards another site which are also used by Search Engines to determine the importance or popularity of a webpage.

Natural Link ? a backlink that naturally occurs when one website decides to promote the content of another site.

Link Farm ? an unethical practice where a number of websites are simply linked to each other in order to increase the PageRank which is now considered spamming.

One Way Link ? a single backlink that connects one site to another site.

Reciprocal Link ? an exchange of backlinks between two or more websites.

Meta Data or Meta Tags ? included in the HTML code (but not visible to browsers) to further help Search Engines understand the information on the webpage. This data includes a Title, Description and Keywords.

NoFollow ? an attribute assigned to a link to signal to Search Engines that the hyperlink should not influence the ranking.

PageRank ? Google?s method of determining the relative importance of a webpage; the rank is calculated using an algorithm that measures the number of incoming links or back links; more links equate to a higher PageRank.

Robots.txt ? a file placed on the website to signal the structure of the website to Search Engines; can also be used to block access to specific folders or restrict certain search robots from visiting the site.

SEM ? Search Engine Marketing ? involves marketing your business, products and services online through Search Engines using both SEO and PPC practices.

SERP ? Search Engine Results Page ? the page returned by a Search Engine when a specific keyword is searched.

Spiders or Robots of Googlebot ? a software tool used by Search Engines to crawl websites in order to read and determine the content on the site to be indexed.

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Palestinians: Israeli airstrike kills 2 Gazans

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) ? Israeli aircraft struck the northern Gaza Strip on Monday, killing two Palestinian militants, after mortar attacks targeted Israeli troops earlier in the day, officials said.

Gaza's Hamas rulers said in a text message sent to reporters that one of the men was a member of the group's military wing. Another Palestinian group, the Popular Resistance Committees, said in an e-mail that the second man was from its ranks.

The Israeli military said aircraft attacked rocket squads following mortar fire on military patrols. Also, several rockets were fired at communities in southern Israel, causing no casualties, the army said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the rocket fire from Gaza would not go unpunished.

"We're not going to let anyone arm themselves and fire rockets on us and think that they can do this with impunity," Netanyahu said following a meeting with international Mideast envoy Tony Blair. "We attacked them before, we attacked them after and we're going to prevent them from arming themselves. "

Hamas' military wing vowed that "the enemy will not be able to twist our arm" and promised retribution.


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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Consumer Reports names best products of the year

Don't know which washing machine or television to buy? Mandy Walker of Consumer Reports shares the magazine's top picks for the best appliances, electronics, and food products of the year so you can shop with confidence.

By Ben Popken, TODAY contributor

The right product to buy? You know you need to do your research, but who has the time??

What most people don't realize, Mandy Walker, senior projects editor at Consumer Reports told NBC News by phone, is that you can "often get top quality products, from a brand name, at a good price." That's good news in this economic climate, where every penny counts more than ever.?

From their low-slung brown brick headquarters in Yonkers, N.Y., the testers, engineers, scientists, journalists and consumer advocates at Consumer Reports put a dizzying array of products through a battery of grueling tests, all year long. Now they've culled from all that data and published?their?475 Best Products of the Year?to give you a handy buyer's guide cheat sheet. These are the best of the best. From large to small appliances, from electronics to ?wine, whether you're gearing up for Turkey Day or getting a jump on holiday shopping, don't enter the shopping aisles without it.

To make it onto the list of best products at the best prices, a product really has to get high marks in the Consumer Reports testing facility.

To test washers, they put a piece of fabric through the washer multiple times and then count by hand the number of threads exposed in the worn-down area. Vacuums are hooked up to a mechanical guide and forced to suck up crumb after crumb and hair after hair. They have a special room for testing audio equipment, baffled so that it's completely soundproof and echo free. To make sure that no building vibration disturbed the tests, it sits on a completely separate foundation from the rest of the building. Everything is measured, tested, and the results are tallied and reported.

Another thing that most people don't realize is that to maintain its objectivity and independence, Consumer Reports doesn't test?samples provided by the manufacturers. They have an army of secret shoppers who buy the products on the open market and then ship them back to Yonkers for testing. That's to make sure?the manufacturers don't send them any "goosed" versions that would cheat the tests.

"We test products for consumers from rival manufacturers to make sure they're going to work well, work for a long time, and that they're safe," says Walker. "That's our mandate."

Here's the best of the best:

  • Best washer:?LG Washer WM3470HVA, $1100?
  • Best dryer:?LG Dryer DLEX3470V, $1200?
  • Best vacuum:??Kenmore Intuition 31100, $250 bagless upright
  • Best TV:??TV Samsung UN55ES8000,?$2500?
  • Best tablet:??iPad 3 16 GB 3rd Generation $500 OR??Google Nexus 7 16 GB $250
  • Best eReader:?Barnes and Noble Nook Simple touch $100?
  • Best SLR camera:??Nikon D3200 $700
  • Best camera:?Nikon Coolpix AW100 $300
  • Best GPS:??Garmin Nuvi 2455LT $160
  • Best Mac laptop:?Apple Mac Book Pro 15 inch $2200
  • Best PC laptop:??HP Pavillion M6-1045DX $700
  • Best streaming player:??Roku 2 Streaming Player $80
  • Best olive oil: 16 oz.?Trader Joe's California Estate Olive Oil
  • Best red wine:??Columbia Crest Grand Estates Cabernet Sauvignon $10?
  • Best white wine:??Bogle Chardonnay, $10?
  • Best coffeemaker:??Krups Grinder & Brewer KM7000, $130

Check out more of the 475+ Best Products of the Year over at Consumer Reports.

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Auto experts recognize cars like most people recognize faces

ScienceDaily (Oct. 1, 2012) ? When people -- and monkeys -- look at faces, a special part of their brain that is about the size of a blueberry "lights up." Now, the most detailed brain-mapping study of the area yet conducted has confirmed that it isn't limited to processing faces, as some experts have maintained, but instead serves as a general center of expertise for visual recognition.

Neuroscientists previously established that this region, which is called the fusiform face area (FFA) and is located in the temporal lobe, is responsible for a particularly effective form of visual recognition. But there has been an ongoing debate about whether this area is hard-wired to recognize faces because of their importance to us or if it is a more general mechanism that allows us to rapidly recognize objects that we work with extensively.

In the new study published this week in the online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of Vanderbilt researchers report that they have recorded the activity in the FFAs of a group of automobile aficionados at extremely high resolution using one the most powerful MRI scanners available for human use and found no evidence that there is a special area devoted exclusively to facial recognition. Instead, they found that the FFA of the auto experts was filled with small, interspersed patches that respond strongly to photos of faces and autos both.

"We can't say that the same groups of neurons process both facial images and objects of expertise, but we have now mapped the area in enough detail to rule out the possibility of an area exclusively devoted to facial recognition," said Rankin McGugin, who conducted this research as part of her doctoral dissertation.

According to Isabel Gauthier, the David K. Wilson Chair of Psychology, who directed the study, the demonstration that the FFA can support expertise for other categories may help scientists improve treatments for people who have difficulty recognizing faces, like individuals with autism. In addition, identifying the neural basis of individual differences in learning visual skills is an important step toward mapping the brain chemistry involved in learning may eventually lead to the development of drugs that make it easier for individuals to acquire different kinds of visual expertise.

For most objects, research has shown that people use a piecemeal identification scheme that focuses on parts of the object. By contrast, experts, for faces or for cars, use a more holistic approach that is extremely fast and improves their performance in recognition tasks.

The scientists point out that visual expertise may be more the norm than the exception: "It helps the doctor reading X-rays, the judge looking at show dogs, the person learning to identify birds or to play chess; it even helped us when we learned brain anatomy!" Gauthier said.

Gauthier and her colleagues have further found that people who are better at learning to recognize one subject should also be better at learning another. Recent work by her group found that those who did a better job at identifying objects in which they were most interested were also better at identifying faces.

Christopher Gatenby at the University of Washington and John Gore, director of Vanderbilt's Institute of Imaging Science, also contributed to the study. The research was supported by the James S. McDonnell Foundation, National Science Foundation grant SBE-0542013, National Eye Institute grant EY013441-06A2 and the Vanderbilt Vision Research Center.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Vanderbilt University. The original article was written by David Salisbury.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Rankin Williams McGugin, J. Christopher Gatenby, John C. Gore, and Isabel Gauthier. High-resolution imaging of expertise reveals reliable object selectivity in the fusiform face area related to perceptual performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1116333109

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, October 1, 2012

How to make your smartphone's ringtones smarter

2 hrs.

If you have the same ringtone for calls and alert for messages regardless of what they are, you might want to create your?own and assign specific tones to specific contacts. Can you do more with ringtones and alerts so they're actually informative and not just the same annoying sound?

Actually you can do a lot! Ringtone and alert settings, as well as third-party apps and hacks to do even more, have come a long way. Both Android and iOS have plenty of customization options that make your ringtones more useful. Let's take a look at what you do on both mobile operating systems.

Create Custom Ringtones and Alerts
Creating your own custom ringtones and alerts is pretty simple. On Android, all you need is an AAC or MP3 file, which you can create on your computer and transfer over to your phone. If you want to trim an existing song or sound, an app called Ringdroid does that for free. (For detailed usage instructions, read this.) Once you've created your specific ringtone or alert, you can set it as the default in Settings ?> Sound ?> Phone Ringtone.

iOS requires additional work because Apple would prefer you paid extra money for ringtones and alerts through the iTunes Store. To work around this limitation, simply shorten the sound or song you want as your new ringtone or alert (if desired) and convert it to AAC format. There are plenty of apps that offer this functionality for free, such as Adapter, but iTunes can as well. (For detailed instructions, read this.) Take the converted AAC file and change its extension to .m4r. Add that file to iTunes, which will see it as a ringtone, and sync your iPhone.

Note: If you simply want to set a song or other audio file as an alarm, you don't need to go through this process. iOS 6 alarms let you choose almost any ?audio in your music library when setting them up.

Individualize for Specific People
Now that you know how to create your own ringtones and alerts for your phone, you can start setting specific ones for individual contacts. You could add songs that relate to the person calling or texting. You could record the person saying their name and use that as an alert so you'd know exactly who's contacting you. You could also create tones and alerts that escalate in urgency and assign them to contacts based on importance. Personally, I opted to just make my alerts more soothing because I found the defaults loud and annoying.?

When your tones are individualized, there are many ways to make them more useful and informative. While any of those suggested ideas work, figure out what you want to accomplish with your notifications before you move forward. Chances are you have a lot of contacts and so assigning custom settings for many or all of them takes time. Figure out an approach that provides you with the information you want every time someone calls or texts.

Once you have your approach in mind, setting individual alerts is easy. On Android, simply edit any contact on your phone, tap the menu button, and choose Options. From there you can set a ringtone for that specific person. To do the same for text messages, you'll need a third-party SMS app, and Handcent is the popular choice. From Handcent, simply open a contact, tap Settings ?> Icon & Personalization ?> Notification Settings. From there you can set an individual tone for that person. If you don't want an entirely new app for SMS, you can download SMS tone customizers like WhoIsIt Lite (Free) Custom SMS Tones ($1) instead. WhoIsIt ($2) can set custom vibration patterns, too.

On iOS, open up the Phone or Contacts app and choose the person who's going to receive the custom ringtone and/or alert sound. Tap Edit, and your options will expand. Toward the end of the page, you'll find two tab: one starts with ringtone and one starts with text tone. Both are likely set to the default. Simply tap either tab to set a new tone. Along with tone options, you'll also find a vibration tab. If you tap that, you can set a custom vibration pattern for each contact. Apple offers a few preset options you can choose from, but scroll down to the bottom and choose Create New Vibration to make your own. From there you'll just tap on the screen rhythmically until you're satisfied. Save the vibration pattern and that's how your iPhone will vibrate when you receive a call or message from that specific person.

Customize Alerts on a Per-App Basis
Customizing alerts for specific apps requires a bit of extra work, but if you like to know which app is bugging you there are actions you can take. On Android, your options vary by app, by device, and by the version of Android you're running. Certain app settings may allow you to set custom notifications, so check there first. Certain devices provide various notification options, so you may also be able to change some app notifications from your Android's Settings app. Neither of these options can override everything, but previously mentioned WhoIsIt ($2) can offer a crazy amount of customization. It'll even let you set specific notification sounds for email contacts.

UPDATE: Reader ShirinDirce suggested Light Flow, an app that can customize notifications to, perhaps, an excess. It goes beyond tones and handles light and vibration notifications as well.

On iOS, you need to jailbreak and install a hack called PushTone. All it does is add a PushTone option to every app in Notification Center so you can assign it a tone just like any other setting.

If you want to take this a step further, you can customize your notification system using an app called Pushover. It'll give you more control over what shows up on your phone and when.

That's all you really need to do to customize your ringtones and alerts to make them more useful. Ultimately you'll have to decide on a system that works best for you, but the technical side of things is pretty easy if you know where to look.

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